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Welcome to Lake Ontario Realty LLC! We serve ALL of Northern New York, Lake Ontario & 1000 Islands region including, but not limited to Fort Drum, Watertown, Sackets Harbor, Brownville, Chaumont, Clayton, Cape Vincent, Dexter, Wellesley Island, Henderson, Alex Bay, Ellisburg, Sandy Pond, Black River, Carthage, Copenhagen & the rest of Jefferson County, Northern Oswego County and parts of Lewis and St. Lawrence county! Backed by experience, support, references, millions in local sales, and a strong knowledge of all the local areas, we are your best choice! We offer incredible service, support, and fast sales above and beyond the norm! Small hometown care that can compete with the big guys! Expanded exposure and more professionals to serve you better and ALL OVER the county!
Lake Ontario Realty LLC - No one knows the Lake Country like us!! Call today!