Here are some great local lenders ready to assist you with all your Mortgage needs! Go Local, they will give you the best support and help you need!
Homestead Funding: VA/FHA/Conventional Loans
Patrick Wolf 315-746-0154 Cell Mike Santulli 315-952-6580
Carthage Federal Savings and Loans:VA/FHA/20% Down Seasonal Cottage loans
Beth Augustus 315-779-9775 Pam Waterman 315-686-4850 Heather Blair 315-779-9775
Northern Federal Credit Union: VA/FHA/10% Down Seasonal Cottage Loan, Mobile Homes
Chris Andiorio 315-737-2154 Cell Phone
Dan Estal 315-779-3189
Julie Derrigo-Mortgage Broker for Fairport Mortgage: VA/FHA/Conventional Loans
315-788-7813 Home/Business Number
Citizens Bank of Cape Vincent- Great for Cottages, Recreational, Commercial, Mobile Homes etc:,
Chaumont: 315-649-2265
Cape Vincent: (315) 654-2115
LaFargeville: (315) 658-2900
Debra Montondo, Paula Cadwell, Faye Waterman and Taylor Robbins
Watertown Savings Bank: Conventional only Loans, 5% down, No Closing Cost ARM 315-788-7100